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Lawnside Academy


Lawnside Academy is part of the Bedfordshire Schools Trust (BEST), a multi-academy trust providing exceptional education across a community of 10 schools and five nurseries.

The Trust Report and Financial Statement can be found here.

For further information regarding governance and for statutory documentation, please visit the BEST website.


Local Governing Body

Governance is through the trustees of BEST and Local Governing Bodies (LGBs).

The board of trustees are responsible for the effective operation of BEST and each academy therein. LGBs are committees of the board.

Lawnside Academy's LGB operates to support and hold the Principal to account for the performance of students and staff and to engage meaningfully with all parents/carers, enabling them to put forward their views at key points in their child’s education. 

The make-up of our LGB is:

Susanne Combe – Chair of Governors

Cheryl Johnson – Principal

Lucy Blackford – Staff Governor

Joanne Boniface - Co-opted Governor

Pierre Guilcher - Parent Governor

Sarah Hill - Parent Governor

Clerk - Vacancy

Governors can be contacted via our Clerk to the Governors by email at


Appointing Governors

We are always looking for new governors to join our friendly governing body. Our governors have a range of different backgrounds, skills and experience but all share a common interest of wanting the best possible education for the children in our school.

If you are interested in learning more about becoming a governor, please contact the Clerk to the Governors by email at


Governance Documents