Lawnside Academy rated Good by Ofsted

We received the rating in all areas in the two-day inspection, which took place just before Easter.
It is the first time the academy has been inspected since joining the Bedfordshire Schools Trust (BEST) in 2019.
Inspectors said the school’s quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management and early years provision were all good.
“Pupils at Lawnside Academy enjoy coming to school. They talk positively about their learning. They are proud of their school,” the report said.
“This is a school which is ‘learning together, growing together’. Pupils are well prepared for their next stages of education. This is because the curriculum is well considered, rich and varied.
“The school curriculum is ambitious. The content of the curriculum has been carefully planned. Pupils learn important knowledge in a logical order. This leads to most pupils, including pupils with SEND, achieving well.”
The report added: “Governors provide effective support and challenge. They know the school well. Staff value the high-quality training and support provided by leaders and the trust. There is a shared purpose.
“Staff appreciate the caring, inclusive culture of the school which extends to them as well as pupils and families.”
Principal Cheryl Johnson said: “I am exceptionally proud of our Ofsted report and of everyone in our school community – pupils, staff, families, volunteers, governors and BEST.
“This report is a true reflection of Lawnside Academy which emphasises what makes the school, which is Biggleswade’s hidden gem, special.”
Susanne Combe, Chair of Governors, said: “The governing body is extremely proud of all the staff at Lawnside Academy and especially of the Principal for her strong leadership not only during the Ofsted inspection but throughout the last few years.
“Such a positive report does not come about overnight but is the culmination of hard work by the staff, the school's leadership team and the Trust.”
Dr Alan Lee, Chief Executive Officer of BEST, said: “I am delighted that Ofsted has confirmed what the BEST community already knew: Lawnside is an excellent school.
“We are all very proud of the progress made and provision offered by the school. Children and staff work together to be the best they can possible be, in a happy and caring environment.
“Certainly, if you are considering a school for your child, I would absolutely recommend Lawnside.”
Below you can read the Biggleswade Chronicle's article and download our full Ofsted report: